life as we know it is very busy. We try to slow life down and enjoy the little moments in everyday. 8 kids has been a adjustment. We are adjusting well and getting are grove back that we once knew. Life is not always perfect but we do are best. We try so hard to make sure all of are children feel just as important as everyone else. Our adoption will soon be final with Brinley and Bracken and we will be able to take them to the temple to have them sealed to us. It will be a great day.
lately we have been having some fun. Baxter and Brielle made us Carmel apples for family home evening.
these cute kids helped us at the cannery one day. Yes I'm still serving as the relief society president. So these 4 get to experience a lot with me.
Baxter and Brielle got to go out with Jason and I on a hot date. We try really hard to take turns with the kids and let them have some special time with us.

Baxter and his friend released a hawk back into the wild
Brielle, Brinley, and Bristol are all in cheer and have been performing a lot lately.
My grandpa turned 97. Here he is with my mom and aunt
Brinley has the cutest hair
she sure made a cute cat for Halloween
Bristol I have been learning a lot of new thing with her hair.
I've learned how to braid it and it is so much easier to take care of now.
Bodel made such a cute ewok , this little girl is so smart. She is such a good little talker. My favorite is I will be talking to her and she says really.
Here is her little partner in crime Bracken. He is such a snuggle bug. He hated his costume hated it. And Bodel could not get enough of it.
a little break for milk, did I mention we go threw 2 to 3 gallons of milk a day.
Bristol made a cute witch
and brielle a cute leopard or cheetah I cant remember what she called it.
The boys ready to hand out candy
The girls ready to perform
A few new changes in our home is we have a few new pets. Over the last month or so we have gotten two new horses and 2 new pony's and 4 new goats. Yes my sister says we have a farm. But I say anything that gets the kids out of the house is good.
Bristol having fun shopping with us one day at Costco
She loves being a cowgirl
Brinley loves to feed the horses carrots
The girls love there pony
walking the pony to school
and sweet little bodel watching barney holding barney and brushing her teeth she is so funny.