Friday, August 30, 2013

A little of everything

As summer was winding down we had a lot going on. First off Boston earned his Arrow of light and all 20 activity badges. He like his 2 brothers earned everything they could out of cub scouts.
 He also earned his Religious Knot.
 On Aug 16th Boston turned 11. Yea Happy Birthday Boston.
 Bridger has been busy busy busy on his Eagle project. He is doing a Volleyball court in our church park, right next to Baxter Eagle Project. He will finish up this weekend.

Brielle and Bristol spent a week at cheer camp. Bristol loved it.
 and so did Brielle.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Goodbye Summer

Wow I can't believe summer is over. It seemed to just fly by. 
Yesterday was the first day of school.
Baxter started 10th grade
he was like really mom I have to smile for my picture.
Morning start early around here. 5 am.

 Bridger started 8th grade
 and sweet little, very small Boston started middle school. 6th grade wow. I can't believe he is that old.
 Brielle started 1st grade. And she loved her first day, but she does not want to go back. She says it is way to long and the lunch room is scary. She was so tired yesterday after her first day and cheer and piano. I may need to clear her schedule a little.