Saturday, February 9, 2008

Bridger's Big Adventure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today bridger asked if him and about 15 other boys from our neighborhood could go on a hike to crystal mountain. They made it sound like it was just behide one of there houses. So I said yea have fun. 3 Hours latter here come bridger with his pockets full of these crystal looking rocks and a piece of coal he found when they crossed the railroad tracks. Yes the railroad tracks. I asked him how far they went and he said when he was on top of hill , all The houseS in logandale looked like ants. He won't tell me how you get there because he's afraid someone will go get the rest of the crystals. I'm thinking he went pretty far if he crossed the railroad track and made it to a hill tall enough to look down on the houses. It may be best that i don't know where he went. He thinks that he walked 15 miles. It problee seemed like it to him.


Cluff Family said...

That is classic! Go Bridger! It would be pretty interesting to know how far he really went!

Spencer and Mindy said...

oh my word!! what a trooper! Go BRIDGER, how fun!! i used to like to collect arrowheads when i'd walk around our neighborhood...those were the good ol' days!! (and totally keep us posted on how far the boys actually funny)

hey let us know when you are here in ST. George next. you can come over and see cosmo!! he's getting so big!!

Zitting Zoo said...

Wow! Did he grow up overnight or what? I can't believe he made that big trek-I love all the rocks!