Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy 15 Years Babe

Today we celebrate 15 years of being married. Wow some times in seems like it was just yesterday. Sometimes it seems like 100.

One thing about us is you will always find us like this.

OK enough kissing picture's

I just wanted to tell Jason Happy 15 and Thank You for being My Husband, Best Friend and Father to are kids.

Thank you for a wonderful Family
Love You Babe

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our Busy Lives

This week we had more Soccer, more football and don't forget Ballet.

Here is how it all went Bridger had a great game. See the kid on the right behind him. His best little buddy. It was pretty fun to watch then play against each other. They won there game.

Then some more ballet. Brielle is learning a lot of new ballet steps and loving it. I loving that I finally have a little girl I can share all the girl stuff with.

Boston game went great the tied there game. Boston had a great time playing the goal keeper.

Saturday Baxter had a great game against Desert Hills and won. His games are way fun to watch.

One busy week down 10 more to go.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Beginning of many busy Saturday's

Saturday morning Soccer started for Bridger and Boston. I thought life was busy already well this week it going to start to even get way busier. Bridger and Boston asked the other day are you not going to sign us up for soccer. It was in the back of my mind but I was not going to ask them due to life is busy and Baxter keeps us running with his Football schedule. But I'm glad we signed them. They had a great first game. Here are a few picture's. Bridger's team did great.

Boston's team did good also. They won there first game.There games are all played over across the freeway in Moapa. It makes it hard when your trying to get kids everywhere. But it will be fun for them.

Then Saturday afternoon we headed up to St. George to Baxter Game. Last Saturday they lost there first game ever and it was hard on the team. But this Saturday they were in it for the long haul it went into a double or triple overtime we lost track, with our team making the winning touch Down. It was a great game to watch. We had a great turn out of family that came to watch. Thanks so much.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Birthday and a few first's

Monday was Brielle's first day of Preschool. She loved it. Jason and I had just gotten home from dropping her off and I get a text from her teacher. And it says Sorry, Your daughter loves to paint. I hope it comes out of her beautiful shirt. I don't think we have ever trusted her with paints in our house. She painted 4 big picture's for us when we picked her up. I think she broke in her teacher .

Here she is on the 2nd day of school. We picked her up and her teacher Say's she has a ton of energy. And I was thinking just wait until she feels all the way better. She does keep us on our toes.
today was her first day of Ballet. She love it to. It is so nice for her to finally get some energy out. She learned what a plea ea was and has shown everyone how to do including the Elders tonight.
She is going to have a Christmas recital and preform at the fair.

Yesterday was my Birthday. I was totally spoiled. I had a ton of calls,text's emails, cards, And a great husband that started my day with getting me a massage in the morning down town. Then whisked me off to Vegas for a all day shopping trip with what ever I wanted to buy. A pedicure and a manicure. Then he made me this great 4 layer chocolate cake from scratch. It was the best cake I have ever tasted. So good. It was a really good day.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Heidi our Hot Mama!!!

This is how we usually see the Birthday Girl

But Today will be Diffrent
Heidi Hottie is in the HOT SEAT!!

Look at our Beautiful Mom!!

Who is the dork your with mom

I bet you wish you were here today huh??

Such a Hottie especially in CAMO WOW!!!

                               MORE TO COME

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The day started early about 6:00am we headed out the door to the hospital. A quick Bye Baxter Bye Bridger Bye Boston. A sad look on Brielle brothers faces like please don't let them hurt my sister. We got to the hospital and first thing they got her in a gown and suppose to be blue hat. But she did not want to wear the blue hat. So the nice guy nurse let her wear his.

Next a good talk with the anesthesiologist.

Then one last hug and the nice nurse carried her off while the doctor pushed her bed. Brielle loved the nurse and just cuddled up in his lap and they put her to sleep in his lap.

The doctor came out and told us everything went great. She had a ton of fluid behind her ears that they drained and put the tubes in. Then they took the tonsils and adenoids out. He said her adenoids were bocking 80% of her nasal passage and that is why she is so stuffy all the time. I think she is going to feel much better now. The nurse came out and said she just came out and I asked her if she wanted her mom and she shook her head yes. Jason and I went back to see her and there were tons of nurse's all around her. I was thinking is she ok. But they were all there checking on her. She had just melted all there hearts. Everyone kept coming back to check on her and telling me how they just fell in love with her. Especially the nurse that got to take her back. Even the doctor commend on how adorable she is.

They moved her up to a room for awhile and gave her some time to feel a little better.  Jason took off and went to Wal Mart and got her Woody and some balloons. She was in heaven. She is home now and doing well. As long as she stays medicated. The boys all came home from school. And were all happy that there sister was doing ok.

Don't you just love the Binky. I went to take it from her and the doctor said it will help her heal faster due to the movement of her mouth. She had to have it in even know her mouth was to numb to even suck on it. I know she is 3. I just having a hard time letting go and taking it from her.