Saturday, May 28, 2011

Busy Week

We have had a pretty busy week. Here are a few things we did.
Boston had his Chautauqua. Its were they do a report on a famous person and then they dress up like the person and give the report to the class and parents. Boston chose Davy Crockett. Both Baxter and Bridger both chose him also when they were in third grade. Boston did a great job. He is so shy and soft spoken. He got up there and looked straight up he was not going to look at anyone. He shouted it out as loud as he could. It was still very quite. He did a great job. I know that it took a lot in him to do that because of how shy he is.

 We celebrated Brielle Birthday. We made cupcakes for her to take to school.
 We had a party with just us, No friends this year. We always go every other year, between a family party and a friend party. It works out pretty good that way.
 Jason had to work on Brielle Birthday. So she had to wait a extra day to celebrate. I tried to make her birthday still special. But she could not wait for her presents. Jason while out and about on a call found this little Hello Kitty chair. Boy was she excited when he come walking in with it.
 She got Rapunzel's Tower she been wanting forever.
 She wanted a hello kitty cake. With some help with Jason and Brielle explaining to us just what she wanted this is what we came up with.

 Because she celebrated her Birthday two different days she thinks she is 5 now instead of 4.
 Bristol was there and enjoying the party.
 The boys and a friend were good sports and enjoyed the day. Even Hello Kitty enjoyed the party.
 This week Baxter enjoyed his end of the year band concert. They did a great job. I did not get many pictures. Brielle was running around and i was trying to hold Bristol. Jason was at work and I should of brought the other boys for reinforcement.
 Next year he is going to do jazz band. He is pretty excited. It does mean my mornings that are already to early just got even earlier.
 Brielle and Bristol enjoyed the day yesterday swimming. They had so much fun. Bristol just screamed with excitement and smiled away.

 Bristol is such a little tub. I mean that nicely. She just turned 7 months and is already 21 pounds. By the time she is one I'm not going to be able to pack her. But she sure is a little sweetie.
Well we look forward to a lot of swimming this Summer. Our Summer starts on June 9th. The kids will be finally out of school. Then the next week Jason and i Will be headed off to girls camp. It should be fun. In the next few weeks we will also be closing on a new home. We are so excited. It will be so nice to have some room again. The place we have been renting has been perfect for us but very small. So this summer we will have a move a head of us. I will share some pictures and info on the house latter. Hope everyone has a great and long weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wow look who is 4

Our little girl is growing up. Happy Birthday Brielle
 Brielle is so fun. She is all girl buts still like to get dirty. She love to dress up, shop, cook, play with her friends and loves going to preschool.
 She has no fear. She most of the time is not shy at all.
 She loves animals
 and once in awhile she crashes in style
 she is super sweet, but with a attitude
 she is crazy and always smiling
 she loves Disneyland
 she loves her brothers, especially Bridger
 she has grown so much
 Happy Birthday sweetheart we love you

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our Eternal Family

We had a great weekend. Saturday we meet a ton of family and friends at the Las Vegas Temple. We sealed Bristol to our family and made her a part of our Eternal family. It was a great day. We had a great guy from our ward seal us. I could of not asked for a better person to do it. He did a great job.

 I'm so thankful for Eternal family's. I'm also grateful that our family is Eternal.
 In the last few years, I've really understood the importance of a Eternal family for many reasons. I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father and all that he has done for me and our family. He has blessed us with so much.
 I remember not to long ago waking up one morning and I could not believe that this was really my life. It seemed at the time that everything was so hard and not going our way. But I have learn if anyone is going threw anything hard in there life, If you just keep your head up and do the best you can things will get better. They did for us and I no that we have been very blessed for trying to do the best we can. We still have a lot to learn. But we really feel very blessed for what we have.
 It was such a great day yesterday seeing Our kids all in white and in the temple with us. They our so sweet and pure right now. I wish sometimes they could just stay little .
 Thank You all that came and made our day so special to us.

 Sunday we blessed Bristol. It was another great day.
 Jason gave her a great blessing.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A few things

We have had quite a lot going on lately. Bridger and Boston had there May Day Dance. Brielle was there with a attitude. She did not what to smile.

 Bristol was all smiles
 Bridger braided the maple. This is Bridger last year doing the May Day Dance, next year here comes middle school.

 Jason got to braid it with him this year.
 he also did a hip hop dance, he hated it.
 Boston did the square dance. He was so cute. It started to get dark when his dance started and my camera did not take the best pictures.

 Brielle had her spring dance recital.
 She was all smiles

 Thursday's are the Elders P Day. So Jason and i almost always take them somewhere. Thursday we took them Geo cashing. The had a blast. We took them to a place called the double negative to find one of them.
 We love these guys, They are so much fun.