These our the newest addition to our baker family. Jason three sisters were all pregnant at the same time and all had them quite close together. There so cute. Congrats girls and a course there husbands and family's.
Grandpa Ostler's one true cousin
6 years ago
yay cute kiddo's. and it was fun all us sisters Pregnant at the same time!
Hey Heidi, 3 of my sisters (not in-laws, but actual sisters) had babies 15 days apart in one year. Exciting, hau? All 3 lived in Hurricane at the time and stayed with us for as long as they could once the babies were born. We tease my mom that there was a revolving door on the delivery room!!! It's so fun. We still refer to them as the triplets!!! Hopefully your family will love it as much as we have!!!
hmm... need another? ;)
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